Looking For Love


The people looking for romance
Johanna  Almagro
Mindmap von Johanna Almagro, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Johanna  Almagro
Erstellt von Johanna Almagro vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Looking For Love


  • the people looking for romance Online
  • marriages are the result of an initial online encounter
  • the people looking for a partner Online
  • the past is fast disappearing as dating goes increasingly digital
  • changes in lifestyle, geographic mobility, and the rise in social networking
  • computers are not taking the place of romance
  1. marriages are the result of an initial online encounter


    • so has the internet fundamentally changed how people date
    1. so has the internet fundamentally changed how people date
    2. the people looking for romance Online
      1. the people looking for a partner Online
        1. the past is fast disappearing as dating goes increasingly digital
          1. changes in lifestyle, geographic mobility, and the rise in social networking
            1. computers are not taking the place of romance
              1. chance for romance
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