
Mindmap am PESTICIDE POISONING CAUSED TODDLER’S DEATH, erstellt von Abdulla Aboelkheir am 17/12/2016.
Abdulla Aboelkheir
Mindmap von Abdulla Aboelkheir, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Abdulla Aboelkheir
Erstellt von Abdulla Aboelkheir vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Food poisoning and intoxication
    1. Causes
      1. infectious agents
        1. toxic agents
        2. Organism - Implicated Food(s)
          1. Sign and symptoms
            1. Nausea
              1. Vomiting
                1. Watery diarrhea
                  1. Abdominal pain and cramps
                    1. Fever
                  2. Emergency management of poisoning
                    1. Transmission
                      1. Injecting
                        1. Wallowing
                          1. Breathing in
                          2. Causes
                            1. Symptoms
                              1. DO NOT
                              2. History taking
                                1. differences between normal history taking and food poisoning history taking
                                2. Critical Care
                                  1. helps people with life-threatening injuries and illnesses
                                    1. Monitors, intravenous (IV) tubes, feeding tubes, catheters, breathing machines, and other equipment are common in critical care units
                                    2. Observation
                                      1. Meaning
                                        1. Why are observations important
                                          1. Medical/Observation units include
                                          2. Induced coma
                                            1. It is when a patient receives a controlled dose of an anesthetic to cause a temporary coma
                                              1. is It is used to protect the brain from swelling by reducing the metabolic rate of brain tissue, as well as the cerebral blood flow
                                              2. Endotracheal intubation
                                                1. Hemodynamic Monitoring
                                                  1. Hemodialysis
                                                    1. Organ Damage in acute poisoning
                                                      1. Synapses
                                                        1. Structural Classification
                                                          1. Axosomatic
                                                            1. Axodendritic
                                                              1. Axoaxonic
                                                              2. Functional Classification
                                                                1. Electrical Synapse
                                                                  1. Chemical Synapse
                                                                2. Neurotransmitter
                                                                  1. Acetylcholine
                                                                    1. Acetylcholinesterase
                                                                      1. An enzyme that breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the synaptic cleft
                                                                      2. Autonomic nervous system (review)
                                                                        1. Autopsy
                                                                          1. Legal importance of autopsy
                                                                            1. Why is it performed ?
                                                                            2. Grief reaction
                                                                              1. Psychological Rehabilitation for Grief Reaction
                                                                                1. Demographcis
                                                                                  1. boy
                                                                                    1. 6 years old
                                                                                    2. girl
                                                                                      1. 2 years old
                                                                                    3. Abdulla Mohammed Aboelkheir U15106326
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