Water Soluble Vitamins


GCSE Food & Nutrition Mindmap am Water Soluble Vitamins, erstellt von Prof. Branestawm am 07/04/2014.
Prof. Branestawm
Mindmap von Prof. Branestawm, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Prof. Branestawm
Erstellt von Prof. Branestawm vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Water Soluble Vitamins
  1. B1 (Thiamin)
    1. Function
      1. Releases energy from Carbydrates
        1. Promtones healthy nervous system
        2. Sources
          1. Fortified flours, breakfast cerals, yeast extract, meat (esp. pork), milk, cheese, eggs, peas and potatoes
          2. Deficiency
            1. Loss of appetite, fatigue and diziness
              1. Slow growth in children
                1. wet or dry beri-beri
              2. B2 (Riboflavin)
                1. Functions
                  1. Promotes healthy skin and mout
                    1. Releases energy to body cells
                    2. Sources
                      1. liver, kidney, breakfast cerals, yeast extract, cheese, eggs, milk, wholemeal bread, potatoes, cabbage.
                      2. Deficiency
                        1. Cracks around mouth and lips
                          1. Tongue and eyes become inflamed
                            1. General tiredness
                          2. B3 (Nicotinic Acid)
                            1. Function
                              1. Releases energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins
                              2. Sources
                                1. all meat, tuna, yeast extract, beef extract, bread, cheese, potatoes
                                2. Deficiency
                                  1. Skin Problems e.g. dermatitis
                                    1. Pellagra
                                  2. B12 (cyanocobalamin)
                                    1. Function
                                      1. Helps prevent anaemia
                                        1. Promotes healthy nervous system
                                        2. Sources
                                          1. liver, meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs, fortified breakfast cereals
                                          2. Deficiency
                                            1. Anaemia
                                              1. Strict vegetarians may suffer beacause B12 is mainly found in animal sources
                                            2. Folic Acid (Folate)
                                              1. Function
                                                1. Helps prevent neural tube defects and premature birth
                                                  1. Formation of red blood cells
                                                  2. Sources
                                                    1. Broccoli, cabbage and spinach, cress and rocket leaves, bread, potatoes, yeast extract, nuts and seeds, breakfast cereals.
                                                    2. Deficiency
                                                      1. Tiredness
                                                        1. Anaemia
                                                          1. Pregnant women should take supplement during 1st half of pregnancy to prevent birth defects
                                                        2. C (ascorbic Acid)
                                                          1. Functions
                                                            1. Formation of connective tissue, bone and tooth enamel
                                                              1. Helps absorb iron into the blood
                                                                1. Healing of wounds and fractures
                                                                  1. An Antioxidant vitamin
                                                                  2. Sources
                                                                    1. Green Veg, potatoes, citrus fruits, blackcurrants
                                                                    2. Deficiency
                                                                      1. Mouth & Gum infection
                                                                        1. slow healing of wounds and fractures
                                                                          1. Scurvy
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