Job Design


MBA Contemporary Management (Organizational Structure & Culture) Mindmap am Job Design, erstellt von Rawad Mroueh am 26/12/2016.
Rawad Mroueh
Mindmap von Rawad Mroueh, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rawad Mroueh
Erstellt von Rawad Mroueh vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Job Design
  1. Division of Labor
    1. Job enlargement
      1. Increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor.
      2. Job Simplification
        1. The process of reducing the number of tasks that each worker performs
        2. Job Enrichment
          1. Increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job
            1. empowering workers to experiment to find new or better ways of doing the job
              1. encouraging workers to develop new skills
                1. Allowing workers to decide how to do the work and giving them the responsibility for deciding how to respond to unexpected situations
                  1. Allowing workers to monitor and measure their own performance
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