Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 1st Roundtable
Conference 1930
- Gandhi-Irwin Pact
March 1931
- 2nd Roundtable Conference
Sept 1931
- Communal Award
August 1932
- Gandhi rearrested,
Civil Disob restarts
- 3rd Round Table Conf
Nov 1932
- Individual Civil Disobedience
- Congress made announcement that people should feel
free to take responsibility of own civil disobedience
- 1000s took part, whilst Congress could take no blame
- Action crushed by mass arrest and repression
- 100,000 arrested as a result of civil disob as a whole
- Nationalists lost respect for British
- Had Greater success than anticipated
- Brits still didnt know how to deal with Gandhi
- Increased participation and support - people
can campaign for whatever they want
- Pointless
- Scarcely attended
- No major parties/majorites
- No agreement
- British Raj grants
emergency powers
- Gandhi arrested
- Then released on health
grounds due to fasting
- Advised Congress to end civil disob and
requested that Govt release prisoners
- Both requests refused
- Shows limits of Gandhi's power
- Sets out rights to separate
representation for minorities
- Gave reserved seats
- Gandhi fully opposed this, believed
Congress was best place for Dalits
- Gandhi fasted in protest of this
- Similar purpose as first conference
- well-attended by all
- Gandhi is only rep of Congress
- Claims to speak for all Indians/parties
- Caused anger among other parties
- Ends without agreement on political
protection of different religious communities
- Gandhi strongly against idea of reserved seats
- Saw Congress as umbrella party
- Gandhi Agreed to
- End Civil Disobedience
- Partake in next
roundtable conference
- Irwin Agreed to
- Hold an inquiry
into Police brutality
- Release political prisoners not
guilty of violence
- Make all future changes in
India's interest
- Gandhi holds same amount
of power as viceroy
- Aim: to settle India's future
- Held in house of Lords
- Included Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Dalits
- No Gandhi/Congress
- Needed to get council agreement before making laws
- 2 points of Agreement
- British India and Princely
India should be linked
- Reserved seats
should be given