Media Hardware & Software I used during the A2 Course


AS - Level Media Studies Mindmap am Media Hardware & Software I used during the A2 Course, erstellt von Latymer Media2015 am 19/01/2017.
Latymer Media2015
Mindmap von Latymer Media2015, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Latymer Media2015
Erstellt von Latymer Media2015 vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Media Hardware & Software I used during the A2 Course
  1. Research & Planning
    1. Web 2.0
      1. Google
        1. YouTube
          1. Steal-o-matic
          2. Blogger
            1. Drive
            2. WhatsApp
              1. Amazon
                1. Shopping Websites
                2. Microsoft Word
                  1. Computers
                    1. iPads
                      1. Smartphones
                        1. Adobe Premiere Pro
                        2. Production
                          1. Lighting
                            1. ARRI Studio Lights
                              1. 650W ARRI turret/floor lamps
                                1. Leapfrog Zero88 Lighting Console
                                2. Video Camera
                                  1. Canon 5D Mk. II Camera
                                    1. Canon 24-105mm lens
                                    2. Canon 550D Camera
                                      1. Promo Shots Camera
                                    3. Samsung TV Monitors
                                      1. HDMI Cables
                                      2. Music Desk
                                        1. Apple iMac
                                          1. Studio Surround Sound
                                            1. Control Tablet
                                          2. Evaluation
                                            1. Web 2.0
                                              1. Blogger
                                                1. Imgflip
                                                  1. GoConqr
                                                    1. MindMeister
                                                      1. Prezi
                                                        1. Padlet
                                                          1. Slides
                                                            1. Emaze
                                                          2. Post-Production
                                                            1. Edit Suite (Dual-Monitored Windows PCs)
                                                              1. Adobe Premiere Pro
                                                                1. Cursor Tool
                                                                  1. Razor Tool
                                                                    1. Slip Tool
                                                                      1. Hand Tool
                                                                        1. Track Select Tool
                                                                          1. Levels
                                                                            1. RGB Curves
                                                                              1. ProcAmp
                                                                                1. Video Transitions
                                                                                2. Wix
                                                                                  1. Store Manager
                                                                                    1. Blog Manager (News)
                                                                                      1. PayPal
                                                                                        1. Google Maps
                                                                                          1. Widgets
                                                                                            1. Social Media
                                                                                              1. Twitter
                                                                                                1. Facebook
                                                                                                  1. Instagram
                                                                                                    1. YouTube
                                                                                                    2. Quiz
                                                                                                      1. Email Link
                                                                                                    3. Adobe Photoshop
                                                                                                      1. Layer Style
                                                                                                        1. Refine Edge
                                                                                                          1. Levels
                                                                                                            1. RGB Curves
                                                                                                              1. Healing Brushes
                                                                                                                1. Lasso Tool
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                                                                                                            ähnlicher Inhalt

                                                                                                            Camera Angles
                                                                                                            Marketing and Distributing
                                                                                                            Shannon Clarke
                                                                                                            Silent Films
                                                                                                            Joanna MacQueen
                                                                                                            Week 2: Multimedia Learning Theories and Instructional Design: A Synthesis of Reading By: Jen Bosler
                                                                                                            How close is spoken language to digital media communication?
                                                                                                            Emily Newman
                                                                                                            General Digital Use & Development
                                                                                                            The Hollywood Studios
                                                                                                            digital media
                                                                                                            Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability
                                                                                                            Lewis Hainey
                                                                                                            The Independent Press Standards organisation (IPSO)
                                                                                                            esther adasonla