Material Culture


Mindmap am Material Culture, erstellt von Jessica Gonzalez am 23/01/2017.
Jessica Gonzalez
Mindmap von Jessica Gonzalez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jessica Gonzalez
Erstellt von Jessica Gonzalez vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Material Culture
  1. Definition:
    1. Objects or artifacts made by humans that provide information about a culture.
      1. Culture:
        1. From latin colere (to till). Recurrent patterns of human behavior and associated artifacts reflecting the beliefs, customs, traditions, and values of a particular group.
    2. Study of Material Culture
      1. Artifacts are analyzed to discover things about a culture
        1. A culture can tell us about an object and viceversa
      2. Theories
        1. From greek theoria; perspective and vision centered upon specific topics, processes and attributes
          1. Theories are partial and have limitations, for what the use of different theories to study a subject is best
            1. Large theories generate smaller theories
              1. Multi-disciplinary approach is best for understading material culture
                1. Perspectivism
                  1. Interpretation is always an important part of any analysis
              2. Deductive Reasoning
                1. Way of examining artifacts and interpret their peculiarities to make meaning of them.
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