Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Article 1
- Legislative Powers
- Bills and Resolutions
- Revenue bills must begin in the HOR
- Bills must be given to president to sign/ veto
- 2/3 vote in congress to override a veto
- Powers of Congress
- Lay and collect taxes to pay debts, provide defense
- Borrow Money
- Regulate Commerce
- Foreign Nations
- Interstate Commerce
- Indian Tribes
- Rules For Naturalization
- Over 18
- Lawfully admitted for permanent residence
- Lived in the US for 5 years
- Lived in state for 6 months
- take oath of allegiance
- Take comprehension test
- Banckuptcy laws
- Coin money
- Punish counterfeiting- secret service
- Establish Post office, roads
- Promote Science and Arts and protect exlusive rights
- Establish Lower Courts
- Punish Piracies and offenses agaings law of nations
- Declare War
- Grant letters of Marque and Reprisal
- Rules Concering captures on land and water
- Raise armies- money lasts 2 years