Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Dorian Gray
- Painting
- "there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth...seemed to linger" - forever scarred
his soul - painting taking on his sins
- "misshapen shadow that had to bear the burden" -
distorted reality - personifies painting - always on his
- "Blood crept from its face" -
murder - crime - "it" -
unnatural - detaches one self
- "curved wrinkle of a
hypocrite" - cruelty and
emotion always emphasised
in the lips - tries to repent but
is hopeless
- "Eyes of a devil" - pure evil - huge contrast from simple nature
- Innocent, youthful, naive
- "Young Adonis"
- "Brainless beautiful creature" - not human - Godly - beauty
over intelligence
- "He has a simple
and beautiful
nature" - innocence
- feminine
- "curved scarlet lips...blue eyes...crisp gold hair" -
feminine description - colour imagery - red (lust)
- "Prince charming"
- Dorian is exceptionally vain
and becomes convinced, in the
course of a brief conversation
with Lord Henry, that his most
salient characteristics—his
youth and physical
attractiveness—are ever
- "His own beauty
cam on him like a
revelation" - object
of love becomes
- "I would give my soul for that"
- foreshadows road to
self-destruction - turning point
- At first LH is intrigued
by Dorian - role reversal
- DG becomes infatuated
by LH.
- "Yes I feel I must come" -
imperative - obligation -
asserting control
- "Wonder growing grave in his
darkening eyes" - sin - corrupt -
attracted by wit - indulgence -
- Throughout the novel he
experiences new things
and become more corrupt
and commits more bad
deeds due to Henry's
influence and the yellow
- "Dorian Gray had been poisoned by a book" -
connotes dark, evil - dangerous
- "More interested in the corruption of
his own soul" - sinister - curious as
to what will keep happening -
beauty in the changing painting
- "Fascination of sin" - dark - oxymoron -
wrong to find sin pleasurable
- "Friendship so fatal" - become the corrupter - leads to death
- "You corrupt everyone with whom you
become intimate with"
- Dorian falls in love with Sibyl vane - many
feel that he fell in love with her acting
ability and the characters she played -
soon as she cannot act he loses interest
in her and acts horrifically towards her
- "his chiselled lips curled in
exquisite disdain" - harsh features
- anger - hyperbolic
- "You have killed my love" - bitter harsh words
- "Without your art, you are
nothing" - importance of art
to DG - only in love
because of her art
- "She had no right to kill herself. It
was selfish of her" - Ironic - cannot
take responsibility for his actions