Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Tropical Rainforest
- Located Example - Amazon Rainforest
- It consists of one-third of the planet's remaining tropical rainforest.
- It provides resources for people locally
and worldwide, including food, water,
timber and medicines
- It is home to a diverse range of plants and
animals, with over 13,000 bird and 40,000
plant species.
- Sustainable Management
- Government Policies (governance) - Brazil
- National Forests belong to the
state, but government can grant
timber companies concessions to
manage certain areas
- 31 National Forests covering 16 million hectares - an are
larger than England
- Biodiversity survey must be carried out before
logging, to establish which areas need protection
- Commodity value
- In parts of the Amazon (e.g. Paragominas) timber firms are realising
that undamaged forest is a commercial asset and can yield
sustainable income
- 'Sustainable management' or 'reduced-impact logging' (RIL) can be
more profitable than 'clear all' methods of timber extraction.
- RIL is up to 12% cheaper than
conventional logging
- Conventional logging
- The TRF is fragmented and species become endangerd
- For every tree cut down, 10-20 others are damaged
- Reduced-impact logging
- Selective matures trees cut down
- 'Seed' trees are left to help quicker regrowth
- Direction of falling trees
calculated to reduce
damage to other trees.
- Less fragmentation and quicker regeneration