
AS level Physical Education (PE) (Managing Elite performance) Mindmap am AUSTRALIA, erstellt von 007842-Stuart Denton am 01/02/2017.
007842-Stuart Denton
Mindmap von 007842-Stuart Denton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
007842-Stuart Denton
Erstellt von 007842-Stuart Denton vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Bush
      1. Egalitarian
        1. Trendy
          1. Economy
            1. Rolemodel
              1. Climate
                1. Outdoor Lifestyle
                  1. Political Support
                  2. Colonial Influence
                    1. 'Test matches' against motherland
                      1. 200yrs of sports to make history in
                        1. Keen to beat motherland
                          1. Lots of British sports still dominate
                            1. Cricket
                              1. Rowing
                                1. Cycling
                                  1. Rugby
                                  2. Want to be the best
                                    1. Need to pursue excellence
                                    2. Talent ID
                                      1. Hugely successful in closed loop
                                        1. Rowing
                                        2. SPORTS SEARCH
                                          1. Analysed top performers for charactristics
                                            1. Tested Kids
                                              1. Recreate characterists
                                                1. 1994-1996 Build up to Sydney
                                                2. Very Elitist
                                                  1. Only 2% made it through to 2nd phase
                                                    1. Many can fall through net
                                                    2. Small population talent can be found quicker
                                                      1. Needs to punch above weight to remain competitive
                                                        1. Supported by public
                                                          1. Disgust at 1976 Olympics
                                                        2. AIS
                                                          1. Sports Science
                                                            1. All under one roof
                                                              1. Physio
                                                                1. Podia
                                                                  1. Psycho
                                                                    1. biomech
                                                                      1. Nutrist
                                                                        1. Sports vision
                                                                        2. Technology
                                                                          1. Science equip
                                                                            1. Specialised facilities
                                                                              1. Shop Window
                                                                              2. TALENT DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                1. Performance analysis
                                                                                  1. Fine tune technique
                                                                                    1. Powerful tools to observe
                                                                                  2. ASC
                                                                                    1. "To enrich the lives of all Australians through sport"
                                                                                    2. "Develop Elite sport with facilities and funding"
                                                                                      1. TODAY
                                                                                        1. 600 Athlete, 32 Programs
                                                                                          1. 25 Sports, 75 Full time coaches
                                                                                      2. Opened 1981
                                                                                        1. 150 Athletes, 8 Sports
                                                                                        2. ACE
                                                                                          1. Supports schloarship holders
                                                                                            1. Provides them with carer advice and education
                                                                                              1. 15hrs a week devoted to career training
                                                                                          2. Decentralised society
                                                                                            1. Separate state influence
                                                                                              1. Young Culture- Used sport for national building
                                                                                                1. Second tier facilities, were establish more widely spread in major cities in Australia
                                                                                                  1. Third tier facilities, built in major towns in the states (Certain sports were a focus, but not to the extent where others were ignored)
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