Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Anemias 2/2
- 3 causes
- increased loss of RBCs
- bleeding
- Decreases amount of iron available
- iron deficiency
- malaborsorption
- liver disease
- decreased production of RBC
- lack of components
- iron deficiency
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Pernicious Anemia
- Decreased intrinsic factor
- Problem with DNA Synthesis
- Neuropathy
- Higher incidence of GI upset
- folate deficiency
- Kidney disease
- decrease in erythropoietin
- increased fragility d/t toxemia
- chronic disease
- Problem with oxygenation
- Decreased cell metabolism & diminished reproduction
- premature destruction of RBC
- Sickle Cell
- Problem with vascular occlusions
- Thalesemia