Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Social Intelligence
- group cohesion in a large area
- competition theory
- alliances and afflilative
behaviour responses to group
- competition is the driving force
- sociality evolved as it
increases indiv and group
- co-op favoured to mitigate conflicts of interest
- co-op with kin and useful allies
- females = food males = mating
- co-op through pursuit of self interest, eventually
benefits both parties
- Silk et al 2004
- Savannah baboons supported close maternal kin during
conflicts, no evidence to show non kin support and they
helped HR more even if they out ranked both fighters
- no stable alliance with non relatives
- HR more active in support because
costs for them is smaller than for LR
relatives but they also gaon more benefits
- Primates have larger brains
to manage and manip social
- brain size correlates with measures of
sociality and group size in other
taxonomic groups