Zusammenfassung der Ressource
growth and the
economic cycle
- nature of economic growth
- AD
- trade cycle
- potential
- actual
- causes of E.growth
- increased labour activity/participation
- economic stability
- investment in physical capital
- improved human capital
- enterprise
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- A:rise in material living standards
- A:reduce/eradicate poverty
- A:provides enough for population
- higher tax revenue without raising tax
rates = better public servicces?
- life and death in some countries
- Dis.:higher material standards not
necessarily make more happy
- Causes can affect outomes, inflation if caused by AD
- could be unequal distribution of gains
- composition of increased spending: spending more on guns is not better
- relative poverty can increase
- linked to unequal distribution of income and wealth,
linked to more social &health problemts
- Diagrams
- Trade cycle
- kondratiev
- hysteresis
- accelerator/multipllier
- demand/supply side
- Measuring growth
- GDP doesnt account for quality improvements
- GDP doesnt account distribution of gains
- GDP doesnt account
composition of growth
- non monetised sector not
accounted in gdo
- negative externalities not accounted in gdp
- alternatives
- mdp
- hdi
- misery index
- sustainability
- resources exhausted BUT this means
rare resources are more profitable
- environmental damage BUT
voters can influence gov. policy
- global warming threatens future