Macbeth Context


Mindmap am Macbeth Context, erstellt von BHAVIN GAMI am 04/02/2017.
Mindmap von BHAVIN GAMI, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Macbeth Context
  1. Shakespeare's Life
    1. Born in Stratford upon Avon, in those years he wrote many famous sonnets and poems of various genres
      1. He wrote 37 different plays (Macbeth, JuiletOthello,Romeo and Juliet and much more)
        1. In fifty two years he created seven plays
    2. King James I of England
      1. Macbeth was written in between 1603 and 1606. James was the first one on the throne in 1603. Macbeth was written in James's intrest.
        1. It echoes his fascination with the supernatural (witches and prophecies).
          1. This also links to the gunpowder plot
      2. Succession and order
        1. One of the main importance of Shakespeare is the issue of succession.
          1. Elizabeth remained as the virgin queen. The rebillion was avoided in the future,hence the importance of degree (rank/class)
        2. Main themes
          1. Social Class
            1. Good Example : Lady Macbeth takes charge of Macbeth when he is supposed to be the man and not a coward
            2. Ambition
              1. Macbeth is planning to kill Duncan, this is his main ambition through out the play
              2. Apperance VS Reality
                1. Macbeth and Banquo repeatdly ask questions. This shows their confusion they can't believe what they have seen
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