Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biology: Cell Structure
- Identifying cells
- An animal cell is made up of three basic things
- Nucleus
- This acts as the brain of the cell
- Cytoplasm
- This is where chemical reactions take place
- Cell Membrane
- This controls what enters and leaves the cell
- A plant cell is made up of six basic things
- Nucleus
- Cytoplasm
- Cell Membrane
- Cell wall
- This keeps the cell rigid
- Chloroplasts
- This is where the plant keeps its food
- Central Vacule
- This is where the sap is kept
- Cell Ultrastructure
- Mitochondrion
- This creates energy for ther cell
- Ribosome
- This is where ATP is made
- Different Cell Types
- Eukaryote Cells
- These cells have a true nucleus
- These cells make up organelles
- Prokaryote Cells
- Have nuclear material but not a true nucleus
- They do not make up organelles but often stay ithin them to survive
- They have additional DNA called a plasmid