Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Education and Achievement
Class factors
- External factors
- Cultural Deprivation
- cultural equipment - language, self-discipline and reasoning
- failure to socialise
children properly - Working
- issues with
- language
- Bernstein (1975)
- Elaborate and restricted speech
- Favours the middle classes
- Critics - claim he
is a cultural
theorists -
Bernstein says
he talks about
home and school
teaching to use
elaborate codes
- Intellectual development
- W/C lack toys and
games to develop
- Douglas and W/C reading at home
- Attitudes and values
- Feinstein (1998) lack of parental
interest main reason for failure at
- Reflects the sub-cultural
interests of the W/C
- Barry Sugarman (1970)
- Fatalism
- what will be will be
- Collectivism
- more important to be part
of a group
- Immediate gratification
- Sacrifices now for the future
- Present time orientation
- short term goals
- Compensatory education policies
- 1960 Head start in the USA (Sesame St)
- Sure Start UK
- Health, values, education
- The myth of...
- Nell Keddie (1973) blames the victim
and not the education system
- Link to
- Material deprivation
- Housing
- Overcrowding
- Poor health
- Poverty
- link to social class
- FSM and PP
- Stigma - hand-me-down
uniform and lack of
- Children
working to
support families
- Diet and health
- Wilkinson (1996) more
hyperactivity etc. in poorer families
- Cultural Capital
- Pierre Bourdieu (1984)
- Cultural
- language, tastes and attitudes
- Education and economic capital
- Convert cultural capital into...e.g. better schooling
for M/C into jobs and economic prosperity
- Alice Sullivan (2001)
- Cultural capital only small part
of middle class educational
- Gewirtz - marketisation and choice
- Privileged, skilled choosers
- rely on cultural and economic capital
- disconnected local choosers
- W/C nearest school
- Semi-skilled
- mainly W/C with ambitions for children.
Often frustrated by education policies and
school choice
- Internal factors
- Labelling
- Interactionist - Howard Becker (1971)
- Keddie - labelling of knowledge not just
students - high and low status (think
- The self- fulfilling prophecy
- Rosenthal and Jacobson
- Teachers beliefs about pupils changed the way they interacted with them and
subsequently the behaviour/achievement of the pupil
- Streaming can often cause pupil to believe they have been 'written off' by teachers.
Less likely for higher streamed pupils
- Pupil subcultures
- Lacey (1970)
- Polarisation caused by streaming resulted in pro and
anti school subcultures.
- Ball (1981) remove streaming and
remove anti-school subcultures
- Policy dictates that more than ever
streaming is used
- Marxist - ignores wider
structures in place - teaching is
part of a system that reproduces
class divisions
- S Roberts (2013) the
missing middle in
education often ignored.
- Marketisation and selection
- The wider
education system
- Funding, league tables and competition
- the A-C Economy
- Gilborn and Youdell - education triage
or sorting
- Selection of pupils -
cream-skimming and silt shifting