Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Of mice and
men Characters
- Lennie
- child like
- "he's jes' like a kid"
- strong
- "strong as a bull"
- like an animal
- "L covered his face with his huge
paws and bleated with terror"
- like G pet - follows
him, relies on him
- "like a terrier who
doesn't want to bring a
ball to its master"
- name
- German for lions strength
- surname - small- ironic due to
size, strength. small minded
- dependent
- George
- loyal
- "I want you to
stay with me L"
- caring
- "I aitn gonna let'em hurt L"
- killing L when he was happy
- pessimistic
- "I think I knowed for the very first. I
think I knowed wed never do her"
- smart - no probs
on his own
- "if I was alone I could live so easy"
- aggresive
- tells slim - lonely men "get mean". geroges
aggression hints that he's close to being like
this - friendship with L is preventing this
- orders L to fight back
- realistic
- Hero - ordinary - we can relate
- dream keeps him going
- repeats - "I bet we could
swing her"
- name
- Greek for farmer
- surname - miton
- linked to John Miten- book
about Adam and Eve leaving
- eve eats apple - have to leave - adam has to go
- L kills - has to leave- George has to go
- Curleys wife
- pretty
- "shes pretty"
- her hard life made her mean but after
her death she innocent again
- 1st - "roughed" face and "parted" lips
- after - "pretty and simple"
- lonely
- "I get awful lonely"
- one women
- "think I don't like to talk to somebody ever"
- flirtatios
- "shes go the eye goin all the
time on everbody"
- always looking for curly - attention
- aware of her beauty and power over candy and crook
- name
- she belongs to curley
- symbolised all women
- not a person, a labelled object
- Crooks
- porud
- "a proud, aloof man"
- cynical
- "nobody never get to heaven, and nobody never gets no land"
- vulnerable
- has no power - black
- " I could get you hung up on the tree so easy it aint even funny"
- only one with own room
- privacy is one of his few rights
- name
- no real name
- white men cant be bothered to know him
- "crooked"society due to inequaltiy
- pain from back = pain from society
- lonely
- "a guy needs somebody to hear him"
- Candy
- old
- "lousy ol' sheep"
- week
- when they can
me here I wisht
shot me"
- one handed
- powerless
- the "swamper"
- doesn't join the men when they go into town
- name
- reflects his personality
- 'candid' - someone who is frank open with
expressing thoughts and feeling
- talks about his dream with L