Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Believing in God
- Upbringing
- Faith School
- Confirmation
- Celebrations
- Church
- Religious Experiences
- Numinous Experience
- Conversion
- Answered Prayers
- Miracles
- Causation Argument
- Thomas Aquinas First Cause
- Design (Teleological) Argument
- Paley's Watch Analogy
- Newton & the thumb (uniqueness)
- Convincing
- step by step logical conclusion
- proves existence of God (not nature)
- uses empirical evidence
- Unanswered Prayers
- Non-believers
- God is dead/does not exist
- God is not all loving/powerful/knowing
- Believers
- Prayers answered in unexpected ways
- God doesn't answer to selfish requests/small matters
- God only answers prayers of true believers who obey
- Communicating with God helps to find answers within
- Scientific Explanations
- Big Bang Theory
- R: God caused the Big Bang
- Nietzsche's Imperfect World
- Darwin and natural selection
- R: Intelligence driving these changes
- Problem and Evil/Suffering
- Natural Evil is not the fault of humans
- R: Fall of man introduced original sin
- Inconsistent triad
- R: Humans have free will
- R: Test of faith (Job)
- Innocent suffering
- R: Reasons beyond human understanding