Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Matters of Life & Death
- Life After Death
- Not Believing
- Bodies decay
- A soul loses its personal identity
- No empirical evidence
- Religious
- Bodily Resurrection
- "I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting" (Creed)
- Immortality of the Soul
- "Today you will be in Paradise with me" (Luke 23)
- Purgatory
- "After death, they undergo purification" (Cathecism)
- Non-Religious
- Life is sacred
- Near-death experiences
- Parapsychology (spirits, mediums)
- Immanuel Kant
- Gives a meaning to life
- After-life allows humans to fulfil their full potential
- Fair judgement where the good are rewarded and evil punished
- Poverty
- Causes
- Wars (e.g. Sudan)
- Natural Disasters (Bangladesh floods)
- Debt (Chile)
- Unfair Trade
- AIDS/HIV (South Africa)
- Christian Agency
- Stewardship (Parable of the talents): preserve and improve
- Parable of the Sheep and Goats: condemnation for
those who do nothing
- "Love your neighbour"/Good Samaritan
- Money/Wealth: "love of money is the root of all evil"
- Salvation Army (Food Banks)
- Christian Aid (Long/short term aid)
- Abortion
- Abortion Act 1968 legalises abortions during first 24 weeks
- If: endangers mother/family or child is handicapped
- Pro-life
- Roman Catholics "Every human life, from the moment of conception until
death, is sacred" (Catechism)
- Church of England "lesser of two evils" (e.g. rape or incest)
- Quakers "agape" and Jesus' example
- Pro-choice
- Judith Jarvis Thomson and the Violinst
- Quality of Life
- Sanctity of Life
- Imago Dei (Genesis 1)
- "You shall not commit murder" (Exodus 20)
- Predestination "You knew me before I was born" (Psalm 139)
- "God's temple is holy, you are his temple" (1 Corinthians 3)
- "the hairs on your head have all been counted" (Luke 12)
- Euthanasia
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide are illegal but
everyone has the right to refuse treatment
- 1961 Suicide Act makes assisted suicide illegal
- Christian denominations
- Roman Catholics- against all forms of euthanasia but allows
'doctrine of double effect'
- Church of England- generally opposed to euthanasia
- Quakers- acceptable using conscience and 'agape'
- Baptists- alternative to euthanasia to die with
dignity(Hospice Movement)