Zusammenfassung der Ressource
there are moral and social consequences of globalisation
- globalisation has meant many countries have become more
industrialisaed. tncs move from factories from richer countries to
nics, and sweatshops are also set up for sub contract work.
agriculture workers from rural areas move to urban areas to work in
the factories and sweatshops.
- however works are exploited, e.g paid very low wages,
many workers are killed or injured in accidents because
there are fewer health and saftey regulations, e.g
yongkang is an industrial city in china famous for the
numner of amputees from factory accidents.
- workers have fewer rights, if they strike
becuase of poor conditions they may lose
their job. or the factory may be moved to
another place.
- some people think the effects of globalisation are
morally wrong - dangerous, poorly paid work has just
been moved from richer countires to pooer countries,
instead of bing stopped altogether.
- some sweatshops employ children, which is illegal in richer
countries. products made in nics are cheap becuase of
conditions are poor and wages are low. many think people in
richer countries should take mire responsibility and pay higher
prices for products produced in nics, so the workers get a
fairer wage.
- effects of globalsation is helpful - urban
working conditions and standards of
living might be better than those in rural
- sweatshops are the first steps
towards a wealthier economy,
they existed in the uk and the
usa in the 19th century and
helped the economy grow.
- poorer countries have to focus
on what they can do best. can
supply cheap labour,
economies will grow in time
and conditions wil imrpove.