ENGLISH II - 90021A_360


Curso Ingles II - UNAD
Karen Elisa Fragoso Giraldo
Mindmap von Karen Elisa Fragoso Giraldo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Karen Elisa Fragoso Giraldo
Erstellt von Karen Elisa Fragoso Giraldo vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

ENGLISH II - 90021A_360
  1. Starting Information
    1. Course Presentation - Agenda - Course Agreements
      1. Course agenda
        1. Course presentation
          1. How to navigate in the classroom
            1. Duties and rights
            2. Informative Forums
              1. Course news
                1. Course general forum
                  1. Social interaction
                    1. Technical problems
                      1. General doubts and concerns during the learning process
                  2. Student's Managment Environment
                    1. Academic Managment
                      1. Administrative Managment
                      2. Knowledge Environment
                        1. Learning Program
                          1. Course syllabus English Level II
                          2. Documentary Sources
                            1. Unit 1 - Giving advice
                              1. Unit 2 - Getting a job!
                              2. Course Glosary
                              3. Practice Learning Environment
                                1. Speaking Guide
                                  1. Guide for the development of the practical component
                                  2. Practice Activities
                                    1. Learning by interacting
                                  3. Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
                                    1. Professional Competences Evidences
                                      1. E- portafolio
                                      2. Initial Evaluation
                                        1. Unit 1 - Act. 1. Recognition task forum
                                          1. Unit 1 - Act. 2. Pre-knowledge task
                                          2. Intermediate Evaluation
                                            1. Unit 2 - Act. 3. Writing task forum
                                              1. Unit 1 - Act. 5. Speaking task
                                                1. Unit 1 - Act. 4. Task: Giving advice
                                                  1. Unit 2 - Act. 6 Task: Getting a job!
                                                    1. Units 1-2 - Act. 7. Task: General course review
                                                      1. Units 1-2 - Act. 8 - Task: Oral and written production review
                                                      2. Final Evaluation
                                                        1. Units 1 and 2 - Act. 9. Final Evaluation
                                                      3. Collaborative Learning Environment
                                                        1. Teacher's Monotoring
                                                          1. Synchronous assessment by Webconference
                                                            1. Synchronous support by Skype
                                                            2. Learning Strategy Develoment
                                                              1. Unit 1 - Giving advice - Act. 1. Recognition task forum Foro
                                                                1. Activity guide Unit 1 - Act.1
                                                                2. Unit 2 - Getting a job! - Act. 3. Writing task forum
                                                                  1. Activity guide Unit 2 - Act.3
                                                                  2. Unit 1 - Giving advice - Act. 5. Speaking task forum
                                                                    1. Activity guide Unit 1 - Act.5
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