Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Definition: A disorder that deals with anxiety
that doesn't go away, gets worse with time, and
could potentially interfere with daily activities
- Treatment Options: Psychotherapy and medications
- Definition: A serious condition that can occur in people who
have witnessed or experienced a serious/traumitizing event
- Symptoms: Experiencing flashbacks or nightmares,
emotional numbness, feeling jumpy, and avoiding
things that are reminders of the trauma
- Definition: A disorder where people have
unwanted thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that
drive them to perform ritualistic routines
- Symptoms: Irrational worrying, excessive concern with order or accidentally
injuring another person, and preoccupation with throwing things away with
little value
- Phobias
- Definition: A disorder where people have
seemingly excessive and unreasonable fears in
the presence of a specific thing(s)
- Symptoms: shortness of breath, heart palpitations,
a feeling of imminent danger, feeling faint
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Definition: A disorder where people fear being judged, embarrassed,
or offended
- Symptoms: Having a hard time talking to
others, feeling self-conscious around people,
feeling nauseous or trembling around people
- Panic Disorder
- Definition: A disorder where someone experiences panic attacks,
which are sudden periods of intense
- Symptoms: Feeling out of control,
experiencing intense fear, feeling
impending doom, trembling
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder