Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Nazi and Churches
- Protestants
- Background
- many Protestants voted for the Nazis
- 2/3 Germans protestants
- initially some agreed with Nazis -- anti-Communist
- Hitler united all protestant churches into one Reich Church
- altar was a copy of Mein Kampf and a sword
- German Faith Movement
- neo-pagan
- anti-catholic
- worshipping Hitler and Nazis
- Catholic Church
- Church Concordat
- signed in June 1933
- Nazis wouldn't interfere with Church
- Church wouldn't comment on politics
- Bishop swore loyalty to Nazis
- Catholics gave primary allegiance to Pope - Hitler wanted total control
- Catholics had their own schools with their own values
- supported Center Party - Hitler wanted to get rid of them
- harrassed catholic priests that were critiscizing and sent some to concentration camps
- eventually abolished schools and youth movements