Basics of Horror


AS Film Studies Mindmap am Basics of Horror, erstellt von emilyralphs am 23/04/2014.
Mindmap von emilyralphs, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von emilyralphs vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Basics of Horror
  1. Repertoire of Elements
    1. Expected charcater types
      1. Typical locations
        1. Typical set pieces and narrative events
          1. Familiar iconography (props, costume, expected signifiers in mise-en-scene)
            1. Recurring themes and ideas
              1. Recurring approcahes to micro features (use of sound, lighting etc)
                1. Actors associated with the genre
                2. Fear Factors (Themes)
                  1. Loss of control
                    1. The unknown
                      1. Otherness/difference
                        1. Body trauma/violation
                          1. Barbarity threatening civilisation
                            1. Being prey/hunted
                              1. Invasion of our safe spaces
                                1. Primal fears
                                2. Narrative Theories
                                  1. Todorov
                                    1. Equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium
                                      1. Exposition, development, complication, climax, resolution
                                      2. Propp
                                        1. Protagonists and antagonists
                                        2. Levis Strauss
                                          1. Binary oppsoites
                                        3. Geography of Horror
                                          1. Urban and rural
                                            1. The Social Geography of Horror
                                              1. Social class/otherness
                                                1. Elitism (social exlusion)
                                                  1. Envy
                                                    1. Trespass
                                                      1. Urban/suburban paranoia
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