Fracture in the arm


Mindmap am Fracture in the arm, erstellt von satanay barsbai am 24/02/2017.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Fracture in the arm
  1. Bones
    1. structure
      1. Bone cells
        1. Bone matrix
          1. Periosteum
          2. classifications
            1. By shape
              1. Long short Flat irregular sesamoid
              2. By density
                1. Compact spongy
              3. anatomy of elbow bones
              4. Injury
                1. management
                  1. Dont move the person! Stop any bleeding.  Immobilize the injured area.  Apply ice packs Treat for shock
                  2. physical and clinical examination
                    1. Neurological examination
                      1. The level of reflex
                      2. physiotherapy
                        1. fractures
                          1. Classifications
                            1. By shape(cause)
                              1. By Tissue damage
                                1. Open Close
                                2. By Strength of injury
                                  1. High energy Low energy (simple)
                              2. healing
                                1. Factors affecting healing duration
                                  1. Type of bone, age, mobility at fracture site: Infection, Disturbance of blood supply: Pattern of fracture: Nutrition: Drugs
                                  2. process
                                    1. Types
                                      1. Primary secondary
                                    2. wrist and finger drop
                                      1. causes
                                        1. Broken arm bone, Diabetes Improper use of crutches, prolonged pressure on the radial nerve
                                        2. Signs & symptoms
                                          1. Weakness of the wrist and fingers Numbness or tingling of the hand Inability to straighten the wrist or fingers
                                          2. Neural healing
                                            1. Treatment
                                              1. Pain medicine Splint or cast Physiotherapy electrical-stimulation Surgery
                                            2. Clinical presentation
                                              1. Swelling or bruising Deformity Pain Loss of function
                                              2. Treatment
                                                1. Psychological
                                                  1. Classical conditioning
                                                    1. learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus
                                                    2. Punishment & reinforcement
                                                    3. Reduction Immobilization Rehabilitation
                                                      1. Bandage cast split Plaster-of-Paris
                                                  2. elbow joint
                                                    1. anatomy
                                                      1. anatomy of muscles
                                                      2. physiology
                                                        1. Flexion & Extension
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