Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Pupil Subcultures.
- Definition: A pupil subculture is a group of
pupils who share similar values & behaviour
- Often emerge as a response to the way pupils have been labelled
& normally as a reaction to streaming.
- A number of studies have shown how pupil subcultures may pay a
part in creating different class differences in achievement.
- Colin Lacey's (1970) concepts of differentiation &
polarisation to explain how pupil subcultures develop.
- Differentiation: is the process of
teachers categorising pupils
according to how they perceive their
ability, attitude & behaviour.
streaming is a form of differentiation,
since it categorises pupils into
different classes.
- Polarisation: on the other hand, is
the process in which pupils
respond to streaming by moving
towards one of the opposite 'poles'
or extremes.
- in his study of Hightown boys grammar school, Lacey found
that streaming polarised boys into pro-school & anti-school
- The pro-school subculture:
- Pupils placed in high streams (largely middle class) tend to stay committed to the values of
- They gain their status in the approved
manner, through academic success.
- Their values are those of the school.
- The anti-school subculture:
- Those placed in low streams (working class) suffer a loss of self esteem: the
school has undermined their self-worth by placing them in a position of inferior
- This label of failing pushes them to search for alternative ways of gaining
status. Usually this involves turning the schools values of hard work,
obedience & punctuality upside down.
- Lacey says 'a boy who does badly
academically is predisposed to criticise,
reject or even sabotage the system where
he can, since it places him in an inferior
- Such pupils form a anti-school subculture as a
means of gaining status among their peers.
- Abolishing streaming: Stephen Ball's (1981) study of Beachside comprehensive school.
- Was in the process of abolishing banding, a form of streaming in favour of teaching mixed-ability groups.
- He found that once the school abolished banding, the
basis for pupils to polarise into subcultures was largely
removed & the influence of the anti-school subculture
- Although pupil polarisation all but disappeared,
differentiation continued. teachers continued to
categorise pupils differently & were more likely to
middle class pupils as cooperative & able.
- This positive labelling was reflected in their better exam results, suggesting that the
self-fulfilling prophecy had occurred. Ball's study showed that class inequalities can continue
as a result of teachers labelling, even without the effect of subcultures or streaming.
- Peter Wood (1979) points out that there are other types of subcultures dues to
labelling and streaming besides pro-school & anti-school subcultures:
- Ingratiation: being the 'teachers pet'
- Ritualism: going through
the motions & staying out
of trouble.
- Retreatism: daydreaming & mucking about.
- Rebellion: outright
rejection of anything
the school stands for.