Zusammenfassung der Ressource
OCR - A-Level -
Biology - Circulatory
Transport in
- Uses of
- Removal of
toxic waste
- Providing
nutrients and
oxygen to cells
- Factors affecting
need for a
- Size
- Bigger organisms have
more layers of cells, so
diffusion is too inefficient.
Transport needed instead.
- Surface area to
volume ratio
- Lower surface area
to volume ratio,
more necessary a
circulatory system is.
- Level of metabolic
- More active the organism,
more necessary a supply
of nutrients and oxygen to
supply energy
- Features of a good
transport system
- Efficient
- Tubes to carry
fluid by mass flow
- Two circuits - one
picks up oxygen, other
delivers oxygen
- Effective
- Fluid to carry:
- Nutrients
- Oxygen
- Waste
- A pump to
create pressure
to push fluid
- Exchange surfaces to
allow substances to
enter/exit e.g. capillaries
- Circulatory system
- Single
- Fish
- Heart => gills => body => heart
- Blood pressure drops
as blood passes
through the tiny
capillaries of the gills
- Blood has a low
towards body,
so slow flowing
- Delivery and
removal rate is
- Double
- Mammals
- One carries blood
to lungs, other
carries oxygen and
nutrients to tissues
- Heart => body => heart => lungs => heart
- Blood pressure
low in pulmonary
- Systemic circulation
carries blood at a
higher pressure.
- Mammals are active so
more energy is needed.
Rate of delivery/removal
is increased.