

Mindmap am Eggs, erstellt von a stoddart am 30/04/2014.
a stoddart
Mindmap von a stoddart, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
a stoddart
Erstellt von a stoddart vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Culinary uses
    1. food- boiled/scrambled garnish salads,glaze scones, make stock clear,enrich rice pudding ..see properties
    2. effects of cooking/heat
      1. overcooking=curdling & green ring as iron & sulphur react
        1. protein coagulates
          1. white goes transparent to opaque
            1. bacteria killed
              1. loss of vit B
              2. Buying
                1. egg info
                  1. farming method, country of origin, farm & county Id, Best before date
                  2. carton info
                    1. packer, Quality A (best) to C, weight - L/M/S, storage, no.eggs
                    2. options- free range/battery/organic/large/medium/small
                      1. check -no cracks, date, quality, size, if QA logo
                        1. egg quality assurance scheme hens salmonella free , traceable, approved by bord bia, eggs have QA logo
                      2. Storage
                        1. Fridge, pointed end down, away from strong smells, at room temp. before use, whites in container,yolks in water
                        2. Testing for freshness- water bowl -sink =fresh
                          1. properties
                            1. 1. coagualation
                              1. white coagualates@ 60, yolk @-65 ; protein denatures; overcooking=curdling; food application=- thicken custard, bind burgers, coat fish with breadcrumbs
                              2. 2. emulsification
                                1. emulsifier lecithin in yolk keeps oil & viinegar (water) together e..g mayonnaise
                                2. 3. Aeration
                                  1. whicksin traps air bubbles; heat -=coagulation around bubbles; heat sets; application-white -meringue
                                3. nutritive value & compostion
                                  1. calcium, iron, phosphorous
                                    1. 13% HBV protein- white =albumin,globulin;yolk =livetin, vitelin yolk
                                      1. No carbs
                                        1. 74% water
                                          1. 12% saturated fat in yolk in fine emulsion due to lecithin;cholesterol
                                            1. B2,B12 in white, ADEK in yolk E.
                                            2. dietetic value
                                              1. HBV protein for growth in children. easily digested for elderly, reduce if CHD as saturated fat & choleserol, variety of uses, cheap, serve with carbs/vit c
                                              2. structure
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