Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human Impacts on the Arctic
- scientific research
- Captain Scott was the first researcher
- clean atmosphere helps astronomic research
- much geological research is carried out
- gases caught in ice
- give information of past climates
- costs $1m a year to sustain a scientist
- through grants
- indigenous people
- 4,000,000 people live in the arctic
- 400,000 of them are indigenous
- A few cities
- Murmask
- Trosmo
- Norilsk
- groups
- Saami
- Inuit
- Yupik
- Aleut
- Nenet
- tourism
- fishing
- waters provide 70% of white fish
- rich marine biological diversity
- there is some illegal fishing
- overfishing is predicted to happen
- whaling
- South Georgia whaling station
- moratorium since 1987 bans whaling
- Japan
- continues to whale
- they claim for research
- caught 300 minke whales in 2014
- Iceland and Norway
- mineral exploitation
- oil first discovered in 1960
- Purdhoe Bay, Alaska
- difficult to transport resources
- mountains and earthquakes
- Exxon Valdez
- oil spill in 1989
- legal battles still continue
- travelled more than 600 miles from the origin