Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The existence of God
- How do we prove that things exist?
- Personal experience
- 'I have seen it so
I know it exists'
- Reliable evidence
- 'I have not seen
it, but others have
convinced me
they have, so I
accept its
- Logic
- 'I have not seen it
but there is a logical
reason to believe in
its existence'
- First Cause argument
- Everything that
exists was
caused to exist
- The universe exists so it
must have a cause
- Must be something
eternal, that was not
caused be anything
- The first cause is God
- Therefore God exists
- Thomas Aquinas
- Christian
- Lived in the middle ages
- Argued the first cause argument
- Time
- We are able to
measure time
- So it must have a starting point
- This means the universe has a beginning
- The beginning was caused by God
- Big bang theory
- Scientists believe that the big bang
was a random spontaneous event that
caused the universe to exist
- Theists would argue that
God caused the big bang
- What caused God?
- The design argument
- The universe is too
complex to have appeared
by random chance
- There must be a designer
- This designer is God
- Thomas Aquinas
- The planets, sun and
moon must be kept in
place by an intelligent
- This being is God
- William Paley
- He argued that you can tell that a
pocket watch is designed, in the
same way, you can tell that the
natural world has been designed
- For example: birds have wings to fly
- This designer is God
- Issac Newton
- He said that the fact that we have
opposable thumbs proves the
design argument
- He said that giving humans
opposable thumbs was part
of God's design
- He also argued using the fact
that we all have different
thumb prints
- He believed that this was
proof that God planned us
all separately
- The anthropic principle
- Developed by F.R Tennant
- He believed that God
designed the Earth just right
for human life to develop
- Why did God
create suffering?
- Evolution
- Miracles
- Type 1
- Events that break the laws of nature
- E.g. Jesus turning
water into wine
- Type 2
- Events when a lucky
coincidence occurs
- E.g. a toddler is stuck
on a railway line, the
train breaks down just
before it hits him
- Arguments
- Could be
something science
cannot explain yet
- Could be faked by
people who want
money or fame
- Illness could have
been wrongly
diagnosed and the
person was cured
- Could be a coincidence
- Does God pick and
choose who he helps?
- Religious experience
- When people claim to have met God
- Communication through
prayer and meditation
- Feeling God's presence in nature
- Experiencing a conversion
- Involvement in a miraculous event
- Feeling God's presence in worship
- Could be hallucinations
- Hard to prove as real
- Could be mistaken or mislead
- Morality
- The sense of right and wrong
that guides people behaviour
- People have a sense
of inbuilt morality
- This sense comes
from outside
- This source is God
- Therefore God exists
- Conscience is the voice of God
- Morality is part of
human evolution
- Science and Faith
- All of these
support the faith
that theists
already have
- Atheists don't
believe in God
so they will find
other solutions
- In the past
people looked to
God for answers
- But now we
have science,
do we need
God anymore