The Analytic Relationship


psicoanalisis Mindmap am The Analytic Relationship, erstellt von daniela martinez am 28/03/2017.
daniela martinez
Mindmap von daniela martinez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
daniela martinez
Erstellt von daniela martinez vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Analytic Relationship
  1. Knowledge and Suggestion
    1. what they have heard and/or read about analysis
      1. It depends on
        1. Knowledge about the analysis
          1. Context
            1. Influence of the environment
          2. People tend to be somewhat skeptical of what their physicians tell them
            1. Caused by
              1. Internal disputes
                1. Wrong perception of Health companies
                  1. Consequences
                    1. The psychotherapist is seen as unprepared
                      1. Psychotherapy is the ultimate resource
                        1. The psychotherapist doesn´t have credibility
                          1. It is believed that their knowledge They are like anyone's
                        2. Bad reputation the analyst
                    2. unfavorable aspects
                      1. How is Lacan's theory understood?
                        1. Different perspectives
                          1. People more willing to the effect of psychonalisis
                            1. integrate the analyst's suggestions
                              1. Previously
                                1. Charcot used the suggestion through hypnosis
                                  1. Freud moved away from this
                                    1. He knew
                                      1. The result was not an effect of the treatment, were preconceived notions
                                        1. Generates commitment in the patient
                                          1. Consequence
                                            1. Believe that the analyst has all the knowledge does not allow him to see the patient that he must make an association.
                                              1. Finally
                                                1. The center of the analysis must be unconscious
                                                  1. ¿How?
                                                    1. Understanding the peculiarities
                                                      1. The unconscious of the analysands manifest itself on the analyst
                                                        1. Transfer
                                                          1. When allowed
                                                            1. The analyst collects information
                                                              1. You must keep your subjectivity out Of the relationship
                                                                1. through
                                                                  1. The projection of the analysand
                                                                    1. The imaginary
                                                                      1. Dominated by
                                                                        1. The rivalry between analysand and analyst
                                                                          1. countertransference
                                                                            1. The analyst faces the same situation of the analysand
                                                                        2. ¿Que es?
                                                                          1. The self-image that the analysands forms in the analyst
                                                                          2. The imaginary creates symbolic relations
                                                                            1. What are they?
                                                                              1. Posture of the analysands with respect to the Other
                                                                                1. The way people assimilate the ideals instilled by parents, media, society
                                                                                  1. castration anxiety.
                                                                                2. They are brought into focus thanks to the transfer
                                                                                  1. It is classified in
                                                                                    1. The imaginary
                                                                                      1. imply
                                                                                        1. The ego itself
                                                                                          1. El ego de otras personas
                                                                                        2. The symbolic
                                                                                          1. The only dimension that heals
                                                                                            1. imply
                                                                                              1. Unconscious
                                                                                                1. The Other
                                                  2. Cultural differences
                                                    1. The analyst attributes to the analyst the knowledge of human suffering and thinks so can do something about it
                                                      1. Finally
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