Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human Computer
Interface (HCI)
- Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
- Examples
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Graphical user interfaces use a
mix of text and colourful graphics
such as icons and cursors
- Advantages
- Farmiliar to use for frequent users
- Easy to pick up for beginners, young
or old people using computers
- Disadvantages
- Requires a large amount of RAM
to run smoothly
- Requires a large amount of hard
disk storage space for the files
and graphic elements
- Command Line Intefaces
- Used for computer experts to
complete tasks quickly
- Examples
- Windows command line interface
- Mac OS X terminal application
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Voice Interfaces
- Examples
- Siri
- Sat Navs
- Room Entry microphones
- Voice interfaces allow
users to interact with
comuters with their
- Advantages
- Quicker than typing
- 99% accurate
- Disadvantages
- Problems with local accents
- Takes time to
learn your voice
- Touch Screen Interfaces
- Examples
- Smartphones
e.g. iPhone
- Tablets
e.g. iPad
- Museum
- Disadvantages
- Costly to purhcase
- Expensive to
replace if broken
- Advantages
- Natural interface
- easy to learn and pick-up
for all ages
- Devices wich respond
to human touches
- Biometric Interfaces
- Biometric devices allow
interaction with things like
retinal scans or fingerprints
- Examples
- Fingerprint scanners for room access
- Retinal scanners for room entry
(e.g. Government buildings)
- Advantages
- Everyone has unique features
- Easy to use
- Disadvantages
- Very expensive to pruchase the hardware
- Can break and then be costly to fix
- Game Devices
- Hardware interfaces
used with games
- Advantages
- Easy to access multiple commands and actions
- Useful for long periods of
gaming. Ergonomically
- Disadvantages
- Expensive to purchase
- Sometimes difficult to get used to
(requires a long time to learn).
- Examples
- XBOX Controller
- Joystick