Ideas for pirate story


Mindmap am Ideas for pirate story, erstellt von Nilaisa Rosa Vazquez am 30/03/2017.
Nilaisa Rosa Vazquez
Mindmap von Nilaisa Rosa Vazquez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nilaisa Rosa Vazquez
Erstellt von Nilaisa Rosa Vazquez vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Ideas for pirate story
  1. Blackbeard
    1. He hided in an island located at the Bahamas
      1. New Providence
      2. Real name: Edward Teach
        1. Died November 1718 by order of the governor of Virgina, Alexander Spotswood
        2. English Pirate from the Golden Age of Piracy
          1. He rob ships and board them
            1. Took its jewelry, gold, weapons, liquor and other goods
            2. He used to tie burning fuses at the end of his beard during fights against his enemies
              1. Many said he was the devil in person
          2. Nassau
            1. Became "pirate paradise" in the 1670's
              1. Most of is population consisted of pirates, privateers and wreckers.
              2. New Providence Island
                1. Fort Charlestown was buid
                  1. Crown colony in 1718
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