Brighton Rock


Mindmap am Brighton Rock, erstellt von abigailmc96 am 06/05/2014.
Mindmap von abigailmc96, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von abigailmc96 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Brighton Rock
  1. Colleoni
    1. he has a lot of wealth
      1. 'Just a business man'
      2. Cosmopolitan= 'the one who knows the world'
        1. Interests are not criminal but just of the 'World'
          1. 'the World needs young people with energy'
          2. He brushes shoulders with the aristocracy
            1. He comments he: 'Likes things good'
            2. like a FATHERLY FIGURE to Pinkie
              1. 'I like you, you're a promising youngster'
                1. he shows an approval of Pinkie: 'My child' - makes him look patron like
                  1. BUT he does say to Pinkie :'Nothing you might do to my men could affect me, I've got 2 in hospital now'.
                2. He has back street gangster origins
                  1. when Pinkie asks who a woman was he replies: 'one of those foreign polonies'.
                  2. In the Cosmopolitan hotel his gangster wealth is accepted as an acceptable currency
                    1. His image as 'a man of the World' is air brushed with material props; fine clothing, cologne and valuable jewellery
                      1. the violent extortionist merges with the rich and famous elite
                    2. The Police Man
                      1. The law have accepted criminal activity in the world they are not as powerful as Colleoni
                        1. The policeman advises Pinkie
                          1. 'Clear out of Brighton' -he is no match for Colleoni
                          2. He tells Pinkie: ' I don't mind you carving each other up in a quiet way.... but when 2 mobs start scraping people who matter may get hurt'
                          3. Wordsworth allusion (part 2 chapter2 end)
                            1. ends with a paraphrase from the poem: 'Intimations of Immortality'- Wordsworth
                              1. 'he trailed the clouds of his own glory after him; hell lay about him in his infancy'
                                1. whereas in Wordsworth: 'the infant comes from God to earth trailing clouds of glory behind from heaven'
                                  1. Wordsworth believes in immortality of the soul and that burth is the separation from God
                                    1. but the older a child becomes the more his memories are replaced by the WORLD!
                                      1. 'the prison House
                                      2. Contrastingly the narrator believes that Pinkie comes from hell!
                              2. Hotel Cosmopolitan
                                1. IRONY- as they enter the lift (C+P) the narrator comments: 'rose angelically towards peace'
                                  1. this is a reference towards them as a vice and a possible' progress towards peace'
                                    1. Suggesting that their lives & evil acts do not bring them peace
                                  2. the narrator has created a setting of worldly values - money buys a place in this world and nobody cares about the origins of wealth
                                    1. Colleoni= a violent extortionist / Pinkie= a murderer
                                      1. they feel at ease in this setting
                                        1. the narrators image of them hints that they are disconnected individuals
                                    2. the women who accompany wealthy patrons of the Hotel are described as:
                                      1. 'small tinted creatures' -they are upper class women not 'polony/buers'
                                        1. BUT Pinkies reaction: ' a little bitch sniffed at him & talked to another little bitch on the seatee'
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