Life Of Galileo


Mindmap am Life Of Galileo, erstellt von aprilvawd am 06/05/2014.
Mindmap von aprilvawd, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von aprilvawd vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Life Of Galileo
  1. Prompt
    1. Explicit or Implicit
      1. Respond to the ideas of the prompt
        1. Stimulates idea
          1. Crucial Ingredients
            1. 1. Quality of Writing
              1. Show 'voice' within your writing
                1. Choose best style for you
                2. 2. Quality of Ideas
                  1. 3. Dealing of addressing with the prompt
                    1. Have to relate to the prompt
                  2. Statement of Intention
                    1. FLAPC
                      1. Form
                        1. Language
                          1. "the language i will be utilising will be in...
                          2. Audience
                            1. Purpose
                              1. "my purpose is to show..."
                              2. Context
                                1. "Ill be refering to Life of Galileo"
                          3. Writing
                            1. Hybrid
                              1. Style & Form
                                1. Persuasive
                                  1. Feature Article
                                    1. Opinion Piece
                                      1. Dialoge
                                        1. Speech
                                          1. Radio Transcript
                                            1. Monologe
                                              1. VCE Handbook
                                  2. Expository
                                    1. Feature Article
                                      1. Radio Transcript
                                        1. Letter
                                          1. Research Project
                                            1. Interview
                                              1. Autobiography
                                                1. Expo Speech
                                                  1. Biography
                                                    1. Play
                                    2. Creative
                                      1. Short Story
                                        1. Scripts
                                          1. Diary Entry
                                            1. Poetry
                                  3. Text
                                    1. Emotions VS Reason
                                      1. Truth VS Deception
                                        1. Faith VS Scientific Proof
                                          1. Freedom VS Authority
                                            1. Church VS Science
                                              1. Intra VS Inter
                                                1. Old VS New
                                                2. Context
                                                  1. Encountering Conflict
                                                    1. Life of Galileo
                                                      1. Paradise Road
                                                        1. Cause
                                                          1. Response
                                                            1. Consequences
                                                              1. Resolution
                                                                1. Productive or Destructive?
                                                                  1. Clash
                                                                    1. Ideologies
                                                                      1. Politics
                                                                        1. Religious
                                                                          1. LOG
                                                                            1. Personal
                                                                              1. Politial
                                                                                1. Moral
                                                                          2. Extra-Personal Conflict
                                                                            1. Societal / Conflict
                                                                              1. Geographical Level
                                                                                1. Local
                                                                                  1. International
                                                                                    1. National
                                                                                  2. Inter-Personal Conflict
                                                                                    1. With Other People
                                                                                      1. Intra-Personal Conflict
                                                                                        1. Self / Inner
                                                                                          1. Causes
                                                                                            1. Views & Values
                                                                                              1. Power
                                                                                            2. Religions
                                                                                              1. Economic
                                                                                                1. Political
                                                                                                  1. Social
                                                                                            Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

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