Gregg v Scott


Mindmap am Gregg v Scott, erstellt von Falaq Lall am 07/05/2014.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Gregg v Scott
  1. Dissenting
    1. Lord Nicholls
      1. Irrational and indefensible for a patient to recover if initial prospects are 55% but not 45%
        1. The loss of a 45% chance is as real to the claimant as a 55% chance
          1. The purposes of a doctor is to safeguard prospects of recovery
            1. If loss of prospects are not reoverable, the the duty will often serve no purpose
            2. Lord Hope
              1. Claimant's best course of action would have been for pain, suffering and consequences of the tumour.
                1. Loss of chance should be allowed via assessment of damages, not through definition of the damage suffered and vice versa.
              2. Lord Phillips
                1. The claimant has not lost his chance of survival
                  1. Statistical probabilities worked out from large groups of people should not be recognised as capable of being 'damage in negligence cases'
                    1. In this case, the delay seemed to have had no effect on the overal prospects of survival (Gregg responded well to treatment)
                    2. Lord Hoffman
                      1. Concerned to maintain traditional 'all or nothing
                        1. Defining loss of chance cases would be arbitrary and unprincipled
                          1. If there is no principled reason, then loss of chance claims should be left to parliament and not attempted by common law
                          2. Baroness Hale
                            1. Claims for a loss of an outcome could be reformulated as a claim for a loss of chance of that outcome
                              1. Would be unfair to defendants
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