Religious Roller Coaster


meh stuffs get owt
Zoe Goodsell
Mindmap von Zoe Goodsell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Zoe Goodsell
Erstellt von Zoe Goodsell vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Religious Roller Coaster
  1. Henry VII
    1. Catholic Church
      1. very religious
        1. he was the first Tudor
        2. Henry VIII
          1. made a fair share in between religions
            1. protestant / catolic
            2. protestant / catholic
              1. then he saw the protestant rules and changes the religion
                1. orange= neutral, green= good, red= bad
                2. at first he was catholic
              2. Mary
                1. strongly catholic
                  1. after edwards' rule ended, changes everything catolic again
                    1. burns hundreds of people
                      1. strongly catholic
                    2. Elizabeth i
                      1. made a fair rule between religions
                        1. Catholics and protestants were pleased
                          1. she laid down the rule of burning people
                            1. a lot less people were burned
                              1. people thought she was a nicer queen
                            2. she was the longest ruling tudor queen
                            3. used her rule to equalise religions
                            4. she was the last Tudor queen
                              1. she was the longest ruling Tudor queen
                                1. was that because people liked her so much?
                                2. her rule lasted a lot longer than Henry.
                                  1. she was the longest ruling Tudor queen
                              2. Edward vi
                                1. changed the prayer book to English and smashed church windows
                                  1. very protestant
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