Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Food Technology- Social Factors (Specification)
- Family patterns
- Specific meal time plans
- wastage and left-overs
- meal time rules
- eating together (Tv or table)
- What time dinner is
- number of meals and snacks
- easy to cook foods, or prepared foods
- Family life-cycle
- as you become older your body needs specific nutrients and portion sizes
- accesability to food
- snacks and number of meals alter
- changes in family composition
- single parent families
- less money
- less time for cooking
- large numbers of children
- less money on food per induvidual
- larger scale cooking
- difficulty with time
- age variation between siblings
- different portion sizes
- nutrient requirements
- culture
- Religon
- Jewish
- Kosher meat
- no pork
- islamic
- hallal
- Devloping countries
- rice and meat based dishes
- similar foods with low nutrient value
- Prone to defficency diseases
- western countries
- starch based diets
- high levels of NSP
- economics
- High Income
- larger variety and food choice
- balance of nutrients in the diet
- low income
- Less disposable income
- deprivation
- cheaper option- ready meals
- high in fat/sugar
- obesity
- snacking
- work and non-work patterns
- Meal times are altered, causing stomach to not be prepared
- what sort meal
- ready meal
- freshly prepared
- eating quick meals at work
- grazing and snacking when there is no work
- leisure
- Protein diets
- lack of leisure leads to obesity
- increased calorie uptake
- Proffessionals have specific meal plans