Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Economic and Social Problems in Germany 1919-24
- Economic
- Impact of the Reparations
- War debt
- £6.6 billion
- Insufficient gold reserves to repay Gold Marks
- Loss of territory after Versailles = Harder to make coal payments
- Exports hampered by Allies
confiscating Germany's entire
merchant navy fleet.
- Response?
- Print money
- Decreasing value of mark
- Increasing Inflation.
- Inflation 1918-1922
- Franco -- Belgian Occupation of the Ruhr.
- Ger. fell behind on coal payments by end of 1922
- 100,000 troop occupation force
- Occupied Ruhr in Jan. '23 to force compliance with Treaty.
- Seized coal, steel and manurfactured goods
- Ctrl. of railways, mines, factories, steelworks
- German Response
- Cuno was powerless due to
only having 100,000 man army
- Passive Response
- Non- cooperation
- Government paid striking workers.
- Sabotage French infrastruture
- French Response
- Military Courts
- 150,000 Germans expelled from Ruhr
- 132 Germans shot
- Brought in French workers
- Total output of Ruhr fell to around 1/5th
of pre--occupation production
- Hyperinflation
- Government didn't increase taxes, so had to
print money to meet its outgoings.
- The price of Bread rose from 1,200 in summer 1923 to 428,000,000,000 in Nov. 1923.
- Food Shortages
- Rioting and Looting.
- Political and Social impact of Hyperinflation
- Political Impact of Hyperinflation
- Left
- Prices outstripped Wages
- Poorer Families suffered food shortages as
they had nothing to barter.
- Autumn '23 unrest, riots and strikes.
- KPD plan Revolution from
- Right.
- French occupation fueled nationalism
- Fear of Communist revolution by middle class (mittlestand)
- September 1923 government surrender and
passive resistance showed another surrender/
stab in the back.
- Far right planned a Putsch through Gustav von Karr in
- Social Impact of Hyerinflation
- Winners
- Speculators
- Hugo Stinnes
- Owned German Luxemburg mining company and other
businesses. He took large loans to buy property to businesses
and the n he could easily pay it back at a lower cost to him.
- Black Market food stocks sold at high
- Debts could easily be payed off.
- Enterprising businesses took loans to kick start themselves then
- Paying rent becomes easier.
- Foreigners money was worth
- Rural communities increased demand
- Loosers
- Fixed income
- War widows allowance. reduced amount people income was worth.
- War bond interest decreased in value.
- Fixed rent landlords were badly hit
- Wage increase for laburers didn't keep up with inflation
- End of 1923 29.3% employed
- Mittlestand was in trouble as their small businesses as
their prices rose yet still couldn't keep up with inflation.
- Death rate increased as the cost of supplies
- Suicide rates dramatically increased