Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mind Map: Mezzogiorno
- Primary Activities
- Farming
- Soils, relief, climate
- Mts/Hills
- Transhumance
- Sheep & goats
- Tree crops
- lower slopes
- Binds soil
- Olive
- Drought resistant
- Shallow roots
- Waxy leaves
- Pears
- Citrus fruits
- 2/3 from Sicily
- Coastal plain
- Maize
- Winter wheat
- Grapes
- too hot for grass
- no dairy
- Buffalo
- Mozzarella
- Problems
- Relief, soils, climate
- Lack of irrigation
- Ownership
- Traditional
- Drought
- The Cassa
- 1950's fund
- Develop the Mezz
- 29,000km of
- Metapontino
- Drained swamps
- Irrigation
- 70% of budget
spent on farming
- Bought 10% of
- Land ownership
- Latifundia
- Minifundia
3-6 hectares
- Braccianti
- Over farmed
- Traditional & labor intensive
- Absentee landlords
- 50% of farmers here
- Physical
- Relief
- Apeninnes
- Back bone of Italy
- 85%
- 15% flat
- Coastal plains
- Some drained
- Fault lines
- Mt Vesuvius
- Mt Etna
- Drainage
- Few rivers
- Climate
- Evaporation
- Little rainfall
- Limestone
- Swallow holes
- Low volume
- R.Bradano
- Climate
- Summer
- N.E. Wind
- Dry
- High pressure
- Avg 26 degrees
- Winter
- Mild
- Avg 9 degrees
- Low pressure
- Sirocco winds
- Burns crops
- Mediteraneann
- Rainfall
- 500mm - 900mm
- Frontal
- Convectional in
- East in rain
- Soil
- Thin in mountains
- Leached
- Alluvium on floodplains
- Terra Rossa
- Red
- High Iron
- Fertile but
- Limestone bedrock
- Apulia has
Granite bedrock
- Volcanic soil
- Secondary
- Lack of access
- Far from markets
- Local market
small & poor
- 1,100km from Calabria to Rome
- Not attractive
to MNC's
- Roads narrow &
- Relief impacts rail
- Tunnels
- Political isolation
- Raw materials
- Lacks natural resources
- Lacks power
- No HEP
- Gas from Algeria
- Vitamins, Olive
oil, canned fruit, pasta
- Unskilled workforce
- Few cities
- Older population
- 7 times less likely to
got to college
- Brain drain
- The Cassa
- Ind triangle; Bari,
Brindisi & Tranto
- Vanoni plan
- Private Ind
- Tax breaks
- Ind Estates
- Improve access
- Fiat & Alpha
- State companies
invest 60%
- Steel & petrochemicals
- But cost more monet
than made jobs
- Switch to traditional Ind
- 1.4 million in
- Tertiary
- Transport
- Autostrada del sole
- Por of Gio Tauro
- Containers
- 9th in Europe
- Cruises
- 2x times as many
airports in north than
- New airport in Calabria
- Cassa spent 2.5 billion
- Ferries to islands
- Attractions
- Climate
- Skiing in Mts
- Landscape
- Volcanoes
- Amalfi coast
- Sorrento
- Islands
- Sicily
- Capri
- Naples
- Pompeii
- Musuems
- Opera
- Home of the pizza
- 17 million a year
- 11 million domestic
- Seasonal
- 76% work in
this sector
- seasonal
- Human
- 21 million pop
- Uneven
- Stage 5
- Ageing
- 140 per sq km
- low as 50 per sq km
- Naples; 400 per sq km
- 3 mill in Naples
- In migration
- Poverty
- Greek, N. African & Italian
- Mixed culture & dialects
- Med crises
- 2% foreigners
- Many Albanians
- Life expectancy improved
- 82
- Birth rates are high
- Family size is small