Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Case Study 4- Rural to Urban Migration
(Caatinga to Sao Paulo)
- Where?
- From Caatinga in Northeast Brazil to Sao Paulo
- Up to 25,000 people have migrated
- Why?
- Push Factors:
- Low unreliable rainfall
- Difficult for farmers to
produce enough food to
sustain their subsistence
way of life
- No piped water, electricity or sanitation
- Lck of schools and
clinics in the area
- Pull Factors:
- Jobs in the cities like Sao Paulo
- Better transport
- The bright lights and
glamour of the city
- Positive Effects on the
area left behind:
- More land available
- Increase in food supplies and QOL
- Money earned and send back
by migrant workers whom help
improve facilities and QOL of
people left behind
- Negative Effects on the
area left behind:
- The most able leave the village so
that young people and old people
start working which means young
people cannot carry on with their
education anoymore
- Negative effect on social
activities and recreation
- Population rates has an major drop