Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Healthy Eating
- Factors which influence our choice of food
- Culture
- The culture in which we live in can affect our
food choice as some cultures dont eat certain
foods others have staple foods such as Ireland
eat a lot of potatoes and bread
- Religion
- Muslims don't eat meat
- Availability
- The type of food available in your area.
- rural areas - often less choice
- Budget
- cost of food
- wealthy people/pensioners/social welfare
- Lifestyle
- Family and Friends
- Advertising
- eat the same diet as
their family whether it's
nourishing or not
- Senses
- Smell
- Cells in the nose pick up the
odour of food which makes
the mouth water and gets the
digestive juices working
- taste
- Cells on the tongue
pick out flavours
- sight
- If food is well presented and
attractive it makes us want to
eat it
- touch
- The tongue senses the
temperature and texture of
the food
- Basic functions of food in the body
- for the growth and repair of body cells
- protein
- To provide heat and energy for the body
- lipids and Carbohydrates
- To regulate and protect the body
- Vitamins minerals + water
- staple food
- Food that is plentiful and is
the main part of the diet in a
- Healthy Eating Guidelines
- drink plenty of water - water is a
major part of all body fluids and
helps transport important
- only eat up to %10 animal fats
- eat less sugar
- Because sugar causes a large
release of dopamine in the brain,
it can cause addiction in a lot of
- Because of the effects
of sugar on hormones
and the brain, sugar
dramatically increases
the risk of becoming
overweight or obese.
- It Ain’t The Fat… It’s
SUGAR That Raises
Your Cholesterol and
Gives You Heart
- Avoid fatty foods
- Eat less carbohydrates as these
transform into glucose which is
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit
- Don't
become a
- Don't die
- Changes in Modern Eating patterns
- people tend to graze more throughout the day even
though they may not be hungry instead of having 3
separate meals a day.
- More people eat out in
restaurants - more so
during the Celtic tiger
- more fast food restaurants such as
- availability,cost
- you could say that there's a greater
interest in eating healthy eating or that it's
become popular but that still doesn't
change the masses who are eating really