Zusammenfassung der Ressource
PET Scans
- Positron Emission Tomography
- Hotspots in the
brain measured.
Can find out which
parts working at
particular time.
- Radioactive
tracer added to
chemical, injected
into arm vein.
- Tracer provides small, positively
charged particles (positrons)
- Give off signals that're recorded
- Areas in the brain that use
more glucose = more active,
showing a more red colour.
- People can be scanned while performing
different activities. shows what area of
brain is responsible for different functions.
- Helps to understand
communication in the brain.
- Strengths
- Can see a picture of a
working brain
- Show malfunction, identify
- No risk of infection
- Weaknesses
- There are ethical concerns as it's an invasive
procedure (the tracer being injected)
- Informed
consent is
needed and
good reason is
needed for the
- The scan is
- It's hard to isolate different brain
functioning precisely even though
activity shows in the image
- Scans are broad in their imaging,
things are hard to pinpoint
- Can only a
couple of
scans in
- Expensive
- Can't have one if