Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Two Parties of the US
- The Republican Party
- (The Grand Old Party)
- Small government
- Low taxes
- Laissez-faire
- Opposing interventionist policies
- NO to govt-run health care
- Coalitions
- From the end of WWII to 1980 the Republican coalition was dominated by Liberal Republicans
- But there were always tensions between them and the Traditional Conservatists.
- It is the foreign policy and the will to beat the Democrats on the national level that kept them together.
- Liberal Republicans
- Wealthy, white business people
- Limited govt involvement in
business & private affaires
- Identified with big business
- Northeast
- Traditional Conservatists
- Anti-Communist
- Pro-Business
- NO to govt intervention in market
- Govt should protect from
chaos and enforce
- Identified with small
business owners
- Neo-Conservatists
- Similar to Traditional Conservatists
- Primarly concerned
about foreign policy
- Social/Ultra Conservatists
- Small govt
- Balanced budget
- Very concerned about social problems
- NO to abortion
- Against flag-burning
- YES for prayers in public schools
- Libertarians
- Small & weak central govt
- Laissez-faire in
social, economic &
foreign policy.
- Against programms
that expand govt
powers (NSA)
- The Democratic Party
- The party of the middle-class and immigrants.
- Civil rights
- For women, minorities,
gay, lesbian,
transgendered etc.
- YES to separation of
church and state
- Entrance way to political power
for new and "excluded" groups
- Coalitions
- The New Deal