Types of Custodial Sentencing


Criminology presentation Mindmap am Types of Custodial Sentencing, erstellt von Letitia Clifford am 17/05/2017.
Letitia Clifford
Mindmap von Letitia Clifford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Letitia Clifford
Erstellt von Letitia Clifford vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Types of Custodial Sentencing
  1. (Ref: Crown, 2017)
    1. Life Sentence
      1. Automatic for Murder conviction
        1. Tariff
          1. Licence for life
          2. Indeterminate Custodial Sentence
            1. Serious sexual and Violent Offences
              1. Ten years or more
                1. If Extended Custodial Sentance seen as inadequate
                2. Extended Custodial Sentence
                  1. Sexual and Violent Offences
                    1. Max. Penalty No more than ten year
                      1. Supervision Periods
                      2. Determinate Custodial Sentence
                        1. First half served in custody
                          1. Second half on Licence
                          2. Release On Licence for Sex offender
                            1. Suspended Sentence
                              1. Sentencing but not imprisoned
                                1. Further offence
                                2. Deferred Sentence
                                  1. Sentencing postponed
                                    1. Defendants Behaviour
                                    2. Custodial Sentencing for young people that offend
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