Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Shylock
- Money lender
- Jewish suffers anti-semitism
- Astute and intelligent
- Bloodthirsty
- Cruel
- Jessica hates him
- Money seems more
important to him
- Bitter man
- Suffered now out for revenge
- No mercy
- Portia
- Beautiful
- Plenty of money
- Attracts potential suitors
- Has no power over her own destiny
- even though her father is dead, she still
can't chose husband
- Annoyed by lack of choice
- Strong
- Unsubmissive
- Questions orders
- Clever and cunning (court scene)
- Powerful
- Twists rules to her advantage
- A lot of power for an elizabethan women
- Antonio
- Merchant
- Wealthy
- Sucessful
- Generous and Loyal friend
- Depressive
- Self-pittying
- Loves Bassanio
- Quiet and dignified
- Lends money with
no personal profit
- Cruel to Shylock
- Forces him to become a christian
- Bassanio
- Enjoys life
- In debt
- Allows friend to be in danger to
give him more money
- Uses Antonio
- Uses Portia's money
- Friendship with Antonio
seems more important than
his wife
- Jessica
- Stole money
- Ran away to become a christian
- Miserable home life
- Marries Lorenzo
- Lorenzo will gain a lot of money from Jessica
- Gratiano
- Wild
- Crazy
- Bassanio's friend
- Marries Nerissa
- Gives away Nerissa's ring
after court scene