Zusammenfassung der Ressource
NEP New Economic Policy
- intended to meet Russia's need for food
- Lenin stressed it was TEMPORARY.
- "we are prepared to let the peasants have their little bit of
capitalism as long as we keep the power."
- features of NEP
- 1. central economic control to be relaxed
- 2. requisitioning of grain replaced by a tax in kind
- 3. peasants could keep their food
and sell them for profit
- 5 .public markets restored
- 4. money reintroduced as a
means of trading
- Bolshevik objections to the NEP
- Trotsky and Preobrazhensky
- Believed that bashing the peasants is what the
Bolsheviks needed to do as it advanced the
- complaint for the objectors was that the
reintroduction of money and private trading
was creating a new class of profiteers
- Nepmen-those who stood to gain from the free trading
permitted under the NEP. The rich peasants, retailersm
traders and the small scale manufacturers.
- became such a provlem for the
bolsheviks that Lenin took firm
steps to prevent the party from
being torn apart.
- factionalism of any sort not to be tolerated
- factionalism- the forming withing the party of
groups with a particular complaint or grievance.
Lenin used this to brand disloyal bolsheviks.
- Lenin delcared that other political parties were outlawed in
soviet Russia. Began to suppress opposition to bolshevik rule
- Bukharin's role
- enthusiastic supporter of NEP.
- he believed that the more money peasants had from
selling their food would stimulate industry since their
income would be spent on buying manufactured goods
- simply:
- peasants + money = spend + stimulate industry
- worked closely
alongside Lenin
- successes of NEP
- the production figures suggested that the policy
- grain harvest in (million tones) in 1921 was 37.6 and by 1924 it was 51.4
- average monthly wage of the urban worker (in roubles) was 10.2 in 1921 and in 1924 went up to 20.8
- lenin was correct by saying that the
Bolsheviks would still maintain
- in broad terms NEP had produced
an economic balance.
- agriculture and trade were
largely in private hands
- the state dominated
Russian industry
- failures of NEP
- the 'Scissor Crisis'
- Industry failed to expand as fast as agriculture
- Nepmen did well but high unemployment in urban areas
- greater harvests led to fall in
price of food
- but drop in the drop of industrial goods
- factories took longer to recover from the civil war
- peasants found that they were having to sell their
produce at too low a price to be able to afford
manufactured goods