Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- from 1955 onwards was influx of migrant workers in NHS
- David Owens: key reason
was economic expansion
and reconstruction
- By end 1970's had developed a multi national/multi racial wrk force
- reflected globilisation of labour market in H/C workers
- Carribean and S/E Asia
- worked as SEN as opposed to SRN
- medics
- India, Pakistan, Africa
- COE and Mental Health
- Desire to work in acute
teaching hosp didn't
- as G.P's worked in most
deprived areas in Britain
- Can be argued that via racial and ethnic discrimination that NHS succeeded in keeping migrant workers in the postions not wanted by indigenous workers
- demonstartes the power and influence held by medics
- ties in with power of medics in formation of NHS, Bevan said he had to stuff their mouths with gold
- NHS able to gain from training migrant workers had already been given
- Was a net t/f to U.K of resources spent training staff in poorer countries