Infant Baptism in the Catholic Church


Baptism Mindmap am Infant Baptism in the Catholic Church, erstellt von Eimear am 15/05/2013.
Mindmap von Eimear, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Eimear vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Infant Baptism in the Catholic Church
  1. Baptism is an example of a sacrament. A sacrament is a visible sign of God's loving, invisible presence with a child as s/he joins the Christian community.
    1. 1. Welcome
      1. Priest meets parents, godparents and child at church entrance.
        1. Priest traces sign of the cross on child's forehead.
          1. This symbolizes that the child belongs to God.
      2. 2. Bible Readings and Sermon
        1. Word of God in the Bible.
          1. Readings from the New Testament.
            1. Describe Jesus' Baptism.
              1. Short sermon from priest.
                1. Prayers of the Faithful for child, parent and godparents.
          2. 3. Exorcism and Anointing
            1. Priest anoints child's chest using catechumen.
              1. Oil symbolizes strength and healing
                1. Prayer that child will be protected against evil.
              2. 4. Baptismal Promises
                1. Priest blesses water in baptismal font.
                  1. Parents and godparents make promises on behalf of child.
                    1. Question and answer format
                      1. Christian teaching found in the Apostles' Creed
                2. 5. Baptism
                  1. Water poured 3 times over the baby's head.
                    1. Symbolizes child entering new life in the family of God.
                      1. "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
                    2. 6. Anointing with Chrism
                      1. Child is anointed on the head with chrism.
                        1. Symbolizes that the child has been chosen by God to live a Christian life.
                      2. 7. White Garment and Baptismal Candle
                        1. White shawl wrapped around the baby.
                          1. Symbol of new life clothed in Jesus Christ.
                            1. Candle is lit from the Pascal candle.
                              1. Symbolizes Christ's guidance in the child's life to live and practice the Christian Faith.
                          2. 8. Lord's Prayer and Final Blessing
                            1. All recite the Lord's Prayer.
                              1. Child is now a member of the Christian community.
                                1. Blessing of all who attended the ceremony.
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